Learning for Learning – Student Team

Primary Department

The Educational Needs Coordinators in the primary department lead a team which is made up of the Educational Needs teaching assistants, Remedial/Support Teachers, Child Coaches, School Nurse and a variety of external expertise. This team is responsible for supporting students recognised to require additional support in order to be successful in our school setting. The Educational Needs team facilitates the class teachers in working with students identified as needing support. The Educational Needs Coordinators will be involved in the admission procedure when a student is recognised to benefit from additional support upon intake.

Secondary Department

The Student Support Coordinator leads the student support team, which is made up of the Student Coach, the Support Classroom Teacher, the Student Counsellor, the School Nurse and Teaching Assistants. This team is responsible for supporting students recognised to need additional support or a specific type of support in order to be successful in the classroom setting and assisting and guiding teachers in working with students identified to need support. When applicable, external specialists can be involved in this process. The Student Support Coordinator is part of the Admission Committee. She also leads the internal Care Team as well as the external Care Team.